Developed on BITONE

From Wallet and A2E to DeFi and NFT, BITONE's
technology is implemented in rewards services and


BITONE Wallet is a crypto wallet that can store BIO Coin and various tokens issued on the BITONE Chain (BRC-20). Users can transfer money between other users and can send currency to the exchange.


Bridge adds scalability and value to the BITONE ecosystem by connecting the main chains (BSC-20, ETH-20) and the BIO chain (BRC-20)


A DEX is a fully decentralized exchange, which is a peer-to-peer trading platform for users to buy and sell various coins and tokens.


Faucet is a place where you can receive BIO coins mined through the BITONE testnet on a trial basis.

NFT (Marketplace)

Eedea is an NFT marketplace where you can trade various NFT issued on BITONE Chain (BRC-20). Users can not only purchase, but also can freely mint and sell their NFT at Eedea.

A2E (Lazy Play)

LAZY is a reward APP designed to create a platform where even the laziest people can earn money. Users only need to sit back, relax, and enjoy ADs & games to earn the reward.

Metaverse (Meta Vegas)

METAVEGAS is a metaverse platform where people from all over the world can participate in various board games & facilities and enjoy entertainment.

Coming soon